Database Service Packages
Basic Support
- Health check and report at server, cluster, and database levels.
- Database installation and configurations (excluding Disaster and HA).
- Intervention in critical server and database issues.
- Consultation for software and system teams to ensure operations follow best practices.
Advanced Support
- Health check and report at server, cluster, and database levels.
- Database installation and configurations (including HA and Disaster).
- Implementation of best practices at server and database levels.
- Performance optimizations at server and database levels (Index, Statistics, Query).
- Monitoring and analysis of performance and transaction metrics per server (lock, block, head block, and plan changes).
- Monitoring and logging of database errors.
- Installation and configuration of database backup systems.
Enterprise Support
- 24/7 support.
- Health check and report at server, cluster, and database levels.
- HA installation and configuration of database servers.
- Implementation of best practices at server and database levels.
- Performance optimizations at server and database levels (Index, Statistics, Query).
- Monitoring and analysis of performance and transaction metrics per server (lock, block, head block, and plan changes).
- Monitoring and alerting mechanisms with centralized database monitoring tools.
- Data replication between different databases (Oracle-Postgre-MsSQL-MySQL, etc.).
- Design and implementation of local database cloud migration.
- Installation, configuration, and optimization of database backup systems.
- Implementation of Data Masking, Synthetic Data, and security policies.
Database Support Services
We provide installation, configuration, and management of SQL and NoSQL databases suitable for critical and non-critical environments, ensuring high scalability and positioning according to disaster recovery scenarios. To maintain the stability of database environments, we perform performance optimizations using advanced AI-supported tools tailored to the environment.
MsSQL Server
- Installation, configuration, and management of SQL Server.
- Establishment of High Availability/Disaster environments (Log-shipping, Failover Cluster, Always ON).
- Implementation of SQL Server backup solutions and strategies tailored to environments.
- Definition of SQL Server maintenance jobs.
- SQL Server migration (seamless transition to higher version SQL servers).
- Design and definition of SQL Server consolidated environments with alternative solutions developed in collaboration with Ms Field Engineers.
- SQL Server audit operations.
- SQL Server Data Masking operations.
- Monitoring of SQL Server enterprise environments (centralized performance and error logs).
MySQL Server
- Installation, configuration, and management of Oracle MySQL, Percona MySQL, and MariaDB Server.
- Establishment of High Availability/Disaster environments (InnoDB cluster, NDB Cluster, MariaDB MaxScale, MultiMaster Replication).
- Monitoring and central performance and error analysis of MariaDB MySQL, Oracle MySQL, and Percona MySQL.
- Implementation of MySQL backup solutions and strategies.
- Definition of MySQL maintenance jobs.
- Design and definition of MySQL Server consolidated environments with alternative solutions.
- Integration of MySQL with RockDB in environments requiring high write performance.
PostgreSQL Server
- Installation, configuration, and management of Enterprise DB PostgreSQL and Percona PostgreSQL.
- Establishment of High Availability/Disaster environments (Patroni, Stolon, Repmgr, PostgreSQL Automatic Failover (PAF), PgLookout, PgPool-II).
- PostgreSQL replications (Streaming, Cascaded, Asynchronous, Synchronous, Warm StandBy, HotStandBy).
- Installation of PostgreSQL PgAgent.
- Monitoring and central performance and error analysis of PostgreSQL.
- AI-based query analysis for PostgreSQL.
- Implementation of PostgreSQL Backrest and backup solutions.
- Design and definition of PostgreSQL consolidated environments with alternative solutions.